Employee Welfare Plan

To attract and retain top talent, CWTC designs its compensation packages based on market standards, external competitiveness, and labor market supply and demand. We offer competitive salaries that comply with local minimum wage regulations and ensure no gender-based discrepancies.

The compensation structure includes fixed and variable components. Fixed salaries are adjusted according to market salary levels, educational background, work experience, and market surveys. Variable compensation consists of year-end bonuses and employee profit-sharing, which are distributed based on the Company’s operational performance and individual achievements. Salary and promotion adjustments depend on the Company’s overall business conditions, individual performance, the consumer price index, and government policies.

Comparison of the Non-managerial Positions at CWTC

(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars)

Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees 159 195 731 794
Average salary 568 681 767 637
Median salary 503 616 622 568

Note :The number of employees in this table excludes managers of the Company. The term “manager” is as defined in the Official Letter No. Taiwan-Finance-Securities-III-920001301 issued by the competent authority on March 27, 2003. It is consistent with the scope of managers disclosed in the Company's annual report.

Performance Evaluation System

To effectively commend, reward, and motivate employees with outstanding performance, the CWTC Group conducts annual performance evaluations. For example, Taiwan Plant 1 conducts annual performance evaluations for operators every July, while Plant 2 conducts annual evaluations for employees in non-managerial positions every December. In 2023, the employee performance evaluation coverage reached 87% (with males and females representing 50% and 37% of the total workforce in our Taiwan plants, respectively, and managerial and non-managerial positions representing 11% and 76% of employees at each level, respectively). Additionally, the Taiwan plants conduct annual employee career development assessments to ensure that all employees have the opportunity to fully realize their potential.

Employee Care and Benefits

To enhance employee engagement and ensure their rights, the CWTC Group has established a comprehensive benefits system and, in accordance with local regulations, has set up an employee benefits committee. This committee is responsible for managing and distributing the benefits funds. Each plant is tasked with planning and implementing corresponding welfare policies to fully address employees' benefit needs.

Item Description
Basic Benefits Labor and health insurance, labor pension, group insurance, and educational training.
Retirement Security In accordance with local laws and regulations, monthly pension contributions are made to a government-designated account at a specific percentage of the salary to ensure employees' retirement rights.
Compensation Plan Employees are entitled to shares reserved from cash capital increase for employee stock purchase plans, the transfer of treasury shares to employees, employee stock options and restricted shares.
Financial Planning The Company initiates an employee share ownership trust and matches 100% of employee contributions. Employees are entitled to receive annual dividends and can fully redeem their shares after five years.
Health Care Free employee health check-ups, on-site doctor consultations, maternity health protection policies, and health promotion activities.
Special Leave Maternity leave/prenatal leave, leave for pregnancy checkups and paternity leave, family care leave.
Other To encourage the use of electric motorcycles, we provide a subsidy of NT$30,000 per motorcycle for a total of 150 motorcycles in response to energy conservation and carbon reduction.


Retirement System and Implementation

In accordance with the Labor Pension Act, CWTC contributes 6% of the employees' monthly wages to the individual labor pension accounts set up by the Labor Insurance Bureau, and our employees may voluntarily make additional contributions within the 6% of their monthly wages.

Labor-management Committee

CWTC has established a labor-management committee in accordance with the law to facilitate effective communication between the Company and its employees, aiming to build a positive labor-management relationship. The committee meets at least quarterly, and in addition to handling labor-management matters submitted by various departments, it solicits employee proposals through representatives from both sides to ensure that employee opinions and needs are thoroughly considered. In 2023, there were no labor disputes.