Boards of Director

Hung Chuen Sing

Chairperson and President


Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • General manager of Possehl Electronics Hong Kong Ltd.
  • General manager of Sumiko Precision Mold Taiwan Co., Ltd.
  • General manager of Sumiko Electronics Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Current job
  • Chairperson of Chang Wah Electromaterials Inc.
  • Representative of juristic person director, JMC Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • Representative of juristic person director, Advanced Echem Materials Company Limited
  • Representative of juristic person director, Silver Connection Co., Ltd.
  • General manager and Chairperson of Chang Wah Technology Co., Ltd.

Tsai, Rong-Dong


MBA, Indiana University

  • General manager and consultant, Ta Chong Commercial Bank
  • General manager, Taishin International Bank
Current job
  • Representative of juristic person director of Gold Circit Electronics Ltd.
  • Independent Director of Ali Corporation
  • Representative of juristic person director of Chang Wah Technology Co., Ltd.

Tomas, Huang


National Kaohsiung Institute of Marine Technology Marine

  • Engineering Dept Orient Semiconductor Electronics Limited Engineer
  • Wah Lee Industrial Corp. Director
Current job
  • Sales President and the Head of Lead Frame BU, Chang Wah Electromaterials Inc.
  • Representative of juristic person director of Chang Wah Technology Co., Ltd.

Angus, Shih


Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

  • Assistant Manager of R&D Dep., Tong Bao Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Director of R&D Division, Innolux Corporation
Current job
  • President and Director of Vizionfocus Inc.
  • Representative of juristic person director of Chang Wah Technology Co., Ltd.

Lin, Ren-Lin


Master of Information Management, the City University of New York

  • General manager, Konlin Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Vice general manager, Hanyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 
  • Manager, Walsin Lihwa Corporation
Current job
  • General manager, Hsin Yi Recreation Enterprise Co., Ltd.
  • Independent Director of Chang Wah Technology Co., Ltd.

Ou, Chia-Rui


PhD of Department of Transportation and Logistics Management of National Chiao Tung University

  • Chairperson of CPC Corporation, Taiwan
  • Director of China Steel corporation, Taiwan
  • Principal of Da-Yeh University
  • Director of Bureau of Energy,  Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C.
  • Director of Export Processing Zone Administration
Current job
  • Director of Sino-Arabian Cultural & Economics Association
  • Director of Shinfox Energy Co., Ltd.
  • Independent Director of Chang Wah Technology Co., Ltd.

Lin, Yi-Jing


Department of Accounting, Tunghai University

  • Vice general manager, Deloitte & Touche
  • Assistant manager, Deloitte & Touche
Current job
  • Certified public accountant, Ching Cheng Accounting Firm
  • Responsible person, Ching Cheng Management Consultants Co., Ltd.
  • Independent Director of Contrel Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Independent Director of Sun Rise E&T Corporation
  • Independent Director of Revivegen Co., Ltd.
  • Independent Director of Chang Wah Technology Co., Ltd.

Huang, Wen-Gu


Ph.D. Technology Application and Human Resources Development, National Taiwan Normal University

  • Head of the Export Processing Zone Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Director General, Central Region Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Deputy Director General, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
Current job
  • Independent Director of Advanced Echem Materials Company Limited
  • Independent Director of Chang Wah Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 2023 Resolutions of the board of directors
  • 2022 Resolutions of the board of directors
  • 2021 Resolutions of the board of directors
  • 2020 Resolutions of the board of directors


依長科公司公司章程,本公司董事(含獨立董事)選舉採公司法第一百九十二條之一之候選人提名制度。本公司於一一三年二月二十一日董事會核准於一一三年股東常會中改選八名董事(含四名獨立董事)。 依公司法第一百九十二條之一之規定,本公司於一一三年二月二十二日公告受理董事候選人提名之期間、董事(含獨立董事)應選名額、受理處所及其他必要事項。持有本公司已發行股份總數百分之一以上股份之股東,得以書面向本公司提出候選人名單,股東提名人數不得超過董事/獨立董事應選名額。凡欲提名董事之股東,應於一一三年二月二十三日起至三月四日止檢附被提名人姓名、學歷、經歷、當選後願任董事/獨立董事之承諾書、無公司法第三十條規定情事之聲明書及其他相關證明文件,以掛號寄(送)達本公司 財務部(地址:高雄市楠梓區開發路24號)。




姓 名 性 別 學 歷 經 歷 現職(主要)
洪全成 香港理工學院 Ø栢獅電子(股)公司總經理
ØMalaysian SH Electronics Sdn.Bhd.董事
ØSH Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.董事
ØSilver Connection Co., Ltd. 法人董事代表人
蔡榮棟 美國印第安那大學企管碩士 Ø大眾銀行總經理及顧問
黃俊勲 高雄海專輪機工程科 Ø華泰電子(股)公司工程師
石安 國立臺灣大學電機博士士 Ø統寶科技(股)公司研發副理
林壬林 美國紐約市立大學資訊管理碩士 Ø功林數位科技(股)公司總經理
歐嘉瑞 國立交通大學交通運輸研究所工學博士 Ø台灣中油(股)公司董事長
林宜靜 東海大學會計系 Ø勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所協理
黃文谷 國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系博士 Ø經濟部加工區管理處處長

(1) Board diversity policy


The Board diversity policy is set out in Chapter III “Enhancement of Board Function” of the Company’s “Guidelines for Corporate Governance”.

The Board shall govern corporate strategies, supervise the management and be responsible to the Company and the shareholders’ meetings. Procedures and arrangements of the corporate governance system shall ensure the Board would exercise its authority pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation or the resolutions of the shareholders’ meeting.

The Company’s Board shall have seven to nine Directors based on its business scale, shareholdings of major shareholders as well as the needs of practical operation.

The concept of diversity shall be incorporated in the composition of Board members. Besides banning Directors who are also managers of the Company on taking up more than one-third of Director seats, appropriate diversity guidelines are formulated based on operations, business types and developments. These guidelines shall include but not limited to the standards of the following two aspects:

1.Fundamental conditions and values: Gender, age, nationality, culture, etc. and female Directors are advised to account for one-third of all Directors.

2.Professional knowledge and skills: Professional background (e.g., law, accounting, industry, finance, marketing or technology), professional skills, industry experience, etc.

Board members shall generally possess the knowledge, skills and understanding required to fulfill their mandates. To achieve the ideal goal of corporate governance, the Board as a whole shall possess the following capabilities:

1.Business judgement
2.Accounting and finance analysis
3.Business management
4.Crisis management
5.Industry knowledge
6.Global market perspective

(2) Specific management goals of Board diversity


Board diversity facilitates an effective operation of the Board. The Company’s nomination and selection of Board members comply with the Articles of Incorporation and adopt the candidate nomination system to ensure the diversity and independence of Board members. Besides banning Directors who are also managers of the Company on taking up more than one-third of Director seats, more than one female Director candidates can be invited and nominated, and Directors with different professional knowledge are selected to give ideas and contributions of different dimensions, thereby further strengthening the Board function.

(3) Implementation of Board diversity


Based on the management goals of banning Directors who are also managers of the Company on taking up more than one-third of Director seats, having at least one female Director and encompassing corporate strategy, accounting, taxation, finance, law, administration and production management in the expertise of the Board, the Company sets up seven seats of Directors (including three Independent Directors) for the sixth Board elected in May 2024. There is one female Director and the professional backgrounds of Board members range from the industry, accounting, technology to management. Directors have the knowledge, skills and understanding required to fulfill their mandates and their industry experience and competence are diverse and complementary.

In addition, Directors who are also employees of the Company account for 12.5% of all Directors while Independent Directors and the female Director account for 50% and 12.5%, respectively. The average tenure of Independent Director is 3.75 years. Independent directors Lin, Ren-Lin and Lin, Yi-Jing have 6 years of experience, independent director Ou, Jia-Ruey has 3 years of experience, and Huang Wen-Gu is a new independent director. All Independent Directors have not been served consecutively for more than three terms. The Board members of current term have achieved all specific management goals of Board diversity.

Diverse backgrounds of Board members are as follows:

Diversified Core Competency Nationality Gender Employees Age Independent Director Term and Experience Industry Operation Marketing Management Technology R&D Risk Management Accounting and Finance Analysis
Name Less than 60 years old 61~70 years old More than 71 years old Less than 3 years 3~9 years More than 9 years
Chairperson Yuan Yao Energy Technology Co., Ltd. HK Male V V           V V V V  
Representative:Hung, Chuen-Sing
Director Chang Wah Electromaterials Inc. ROC Male       V       V V   V V
Representative:Tsai, Rong-Dong
Director Yuan Yao Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ROC Male   V           V V   V  
Representative:Tomas, Huang
Director Yuan Yao Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ROC Male   V           V V V V  

Representative:Angus, Shih

Independent Director Lin, Ren-Lin ROC Male     V     V   V V   V  
Independent Director Ou, Jia-Ruey ROC Male     V     V   V V   V  
Independent Director Lin, Yi-Jing ROC Female   V       V         V V
Independent Director Huang Wen-Gu ROC Male     V   V     V V   V