Based on the five major principles of the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000 SES) which includes Influence, tension, responsibility, dependency and diverse perspectives, CWTC has identified six major categories of stakeholders, which are government agencies, investors, employees, customers, suppliers and society (including local communities and non-profit organizations (NGOs)).
We established transparent and effective multiple communication channels with our interested parties and hope to understand the issues that they are concerned about. We also use that as an important indicator for the sustainable development of the company to understand the issues as an important reference indicator for the sustainable development of the company, to understand the issues they care about, and to make business decisions for the company.
According to the Company's vision and sustainable development strategy, and referring to the updated GRI Universal Standards, SDGs, topics of concern to peers, as well as important industry trends, we summarize three aspects for sustainability topics listing with consideration to stakeholders’ feedback. We identify the external impact for each topic and integrate it into questionnaire. The significance of impacts is then evaluated and ranked through stakeholder questionnaire surveys. After confirmation by the ESG Unit of CWTC Group, the topics are submitted to the senior manager for approval. For material topics with high impact, we disclose our management policies and performance in the sustainability report under corresponding to particular topics of the GRI Universal Standards. We ensure that the contents of the report comply with the principles of stakeholder inclusiveness, materiality, and completeness, and reflect on the position and sustainability influence of CWTC in the value chain. This is used as an important basis for examining and continuously improving our sustainability management and performance.
CWTC’s material topic analysis for sustainability issues mainly carries out identification and prioritizing through questionnaire survey results. Based on results of a materiality matrix compiled, the high concern and high impact are listed as material topics. CWTC has eight material topics resulting the investigation. The relevant steps are described as followed:
Referring to the updated GRI Universal Standards, SDGs, topics of concern to peers, and important industry trends, we summarize three aspects for listing sustainability topics, taking stakeholder feedback into consideration.
The significance of impacts is then evaluated and ranked through stakeholder questionnaire surveys. After confirmation by the ESG Unit of CWTC Group, the topics are submitted to the senior management for approval.
For material topics with high impact, we disclose our management policies and performance in our sustainability report, corresponding to specific topics of the GRI Universal Standards, as an important basis for evaluating and continuously improving our sustainability management and performance.
Interested Party’s concern- The Boundary Identification
Value Chain Impacts Boundaries
(Boundaries of Topics)